KOH FItness: New Body Building Gains program WEEK 1

Monday - Legs
A. Back Squats -
Warmup for 20 reps with bar only
6 sets 20/20/15/10/6 drop set 12
B. Hack squat (superset with Leg press)
4 sets of 20/12/8/6
C. Leg Press
4 sets of 20/12/12/12
D. Seated Leg curl machine
5 sets of 20/12/10/8 drop set 8
E. Walking barbell lunges
3 sets of 12/8/6 on each leg
F. Leg extensions
6 sets of 20/15/15/10 drop 10 drop 10
G. Hip Abducter and Abducter superset
3 sets of 20/20 20/20 20/20
H. AB superset
I. High Plank hold
3 x 60 second
J. Hanging knee raises
3 x 15 reps
- Finish -
K. 25 minutes of LISS Cardio
BPM between 130 -140
Tuesday - Chest/Back/Shoulders
A. Flat dumbell bench press
Warm up for 3 sets of 15/10/6
4 sets of 10/6/4 drop set 8
B. Wide grip lat pull down
5 sets of 15/12/10/8/ drop 8
C. Smith Machine upright row
5 sets of 15/12/10/8 drop 8
D. Incline press machine
5 sets of 15/10/8/4 drop 10
E. Close grip lat pull downs
5 sets of 15/10/8/8 drop 8
F. Smith machine seated military press
5 sets of 15/8/6 drop 6 drop 6
G. Low to high cable fly
3 sets of 12
Wednesday - Arms/Calves
A. V-bar push downs
5 sets of 20/20/15/12/8 drop 8
B. Barbell curls
5 sets of 15/10/8/6 drop 6
C. EZ Bar skull-crushers
5 set of 15/10/8/8 drop 6
D. Hammer curls
5 sets of 10/8/6/6 drop 10
E. Overhead cable extensions.
3 sets of 12
F. High preacher curl superset with EZ bar reverse curl
3 sets of 12/12
G. Standing Smith machine Calf raises
4 sets - 20/feet hip width, 20/feet touching, 20/feet wide, 20/hip
H. Toe presses on leg press machine - 4 sets x 15
I. Russian Twist (Superset with next ex) - 4 sets 8 reps per side
J. 12k kettlebell (same weight for circuit) - as little rest as possible
K. Cable Crunch - 4 sets 15 reps - start with 50lbs add 5lbs per set
- Finish -
L. 25 minutes of steady Cardio on Stair-Master
BPM between 130 -140
Thursday - REST
Friday - Back/Rear delts
A. Deadlifts - warm up with 3 sets x 10 rep
4 sets of 10/6/4 drop 10
B. Barbell bent-over row
C. 5 sets of 15/12/10/8 drop 8
Dumbell shrug Superset with next exercise
D. 4 sets of 15 reps
Bent over lat raises
4 sets of 10 reps
E. Supported T-Bar row
5 sets of 12/10/8/6 drop 10
F. Reverse machine fly superset with next ex
3 sets of 10 resp
G. Seated cable row
3 sets of 8 resp
H. Weighted Hyperextensions
2 sets of 20/10
I. Swiss ball roll out (superset w/ next)
4 sets 12 reps
rest 30 secs
J. Hollow body rock
4 sets 20 resp
K. Assault bike
8 sets of 10 cal reps
90 second active rest between sets
Saturday - Chest/shoulders/calves
A. Incline barbell bench press
Warm up with 2 sets of 20/10
4 sets of 10/6/4 drop 12
B. Flat machine bench press
5 set of 15/8/8/8 drop 8
C. Low incline dumbell fly
3 sets of 10 each
D. Standing military press
5 sets of 15/10/8/6 drop 6
Lat raise machine superset with next ex
4 sets of 10 reps
E. Cable front raises
4 sets of 10
Around the world lat raises
5 sets of 12/10/8 drop 8 drop 30
F. Seated calf raises
4 sets of 15 reps - feet - hip/in/out/hip
Standing angled calf raises
4 sets of 15 reps - feet - hip/in/out/hip
Sunday - REST
Let us know if you want the program as a PDF! We'll email it to you, and add you to our list of Kreatures!