KOH Fitness: Dumbbells only

A1. Bent over dumbbell laterals – 4 x 15
Superset with
A2. Wide dumbbell rear delt rows – 4 x 8
Seated side laterals – 4 x 10
Front raises – 3 x 10
Six ways – 2 x 10
Shoulder press – optional
A1. Pronated kickbacks – 4 x 10
Superset with
A2. Supinated dumbbell curls – 4 x 10
B1. Dumbbell skull-crushers / lying extension – 3 x 10
Superset with
B2. Dumbbell hammer curls – 3 x 12
C1. Dumbbell overhead extension (single arm) – 4 x 10
Superset with
C2. Concentration curls – 4 x 10
A. Heal elevated Goblet squat – 4 x 15
B. Bulgarian split squat – 4 x 10
C. Dumbbell squat (down and to the sides) – 3 x 10
D. Dumbbell stiff leg deadlift – 4 x 12
E. Walking or standing lunges – 3 x 15
A. Floor press or bench press - 4 x 10
B. Hex press – 3 x 10
C. Dumbbell fly – 3 x 20
D. Stretch pushups on dumbbells – 3 x failure
A. Single arm dumbbell rows – 4 x 8
B. Chest supported pronated rows – 4 x 10
C. Dumbbell pullover – 3 x 10
D. Dumbbell deadlifts – 3 x 12
E. Shrugs with a 3 seconds squeeze – 3 x 10
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