Push –
A. Bench press – 4 x 15/12/8/8
B. Incline press – 4 x 10
C. Pushups – 2 x failure
D. Over and backs – 3 x 12
E. Landmine single arm press – 3 x 15
F1. Skull crushers – 4 x 12
Superset with
F2. Close grip pushups – 4 x 20
Pull –
A. Wide grip pull ups – as many sets it takes to 50 reps
B. Single arm barbell rows (neutral grip) – 4 x 10
C. Bent over barbell rows (underhand grip) – 3 x 12
D. Conventional deadlifts – 5 x 5
E. 21s – 4 sets
Legs –
A. Barbell squats – 5 x 20/15/10/8/8
B. Landmine split squats – 4 x 8
C. Landmine sumo squats – 3 x 15
D. Romanian deadlifts – 4 x 12/10/8/8
E. Bodyweight single leg calf raises – 4 x failure
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